Our Developed Products

School Management Software

School management software is one kind of software where administrator, student, staff, parent can easily handle..

College Management Software

College Management software is one kind of software where administrator, student, staff, parent can easily handle.In this software administrator can totally manage single or multiple college..

Accounts Management Software

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Student Fees Management Software

Student Fess Management Software is a software where administrator and staff can handle student registration , fees collection, balancesheet and many other features..

Inventory Management Software

Inventory Management Software is one kind of software where administrator and staff can easily handle.In this software administrator can add product , manage stock. Also can view purchase report, stock report , sales report and many other features..

Dental Clinic Management Software

Dental Clinic Management Software is one type of software where administrator can handle multiple clinic. Each clinic can handle patient plan ,treatment, fees management ,appoinment schedule and many other features..

Hotel Management Software

Hotel Management Software is a software where admininstrator and staff can easily handle. They can easily check room availabilty and also book room on this software..

Multi-level Marketing Software

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they generate..